Corporate Yoga Classes
Achieving a good work/life balance these days is becoming increasingly important and more and more difficult!
The hectic pace of modern life does not always allow us to find time for ourselves. As a result, our health – both mental and physical is not always as good as it should be. This ultimately takes it’s toll on our job performance and satisfaction levels and creates even more problems both for employers and employees.
Many companies and corporations are introducing and paying for regular yoga classes for their employees as a way of lowering stress levels and keeping them healthy and happy.
Liz Richards is involved with several companies in this way and is available to discuss options with regard to yoga classes for employees either in the work place or at The Ananta Studios at any time.

Reduced group rates are available for companies who are interested in bringing yoga to their workforce.
We also are happy to take part in any Company Activity Days where yoga is a suggested module.
Contact Liz Richards on (086) 8963425 for details