Beginners Yoga Classes Wicklow

Yoga with Mark Kinghan

This class is an open mixed level class and is suitable for beginners. In this class the focus is very much on building a safe and strong practice using the Vinyasa Krama methodology – a step by step approach to classical yoga with a strong emphasis on the correct use of the breath.

 Postures (asanas) are taught using fundamental building blocks and a progressive approach (vinyasa krama) using props when appropriate and the full spectrum of the practice is introduced.

Modifications and variations of poses are explored so that each student learns to build physical strength, mental clarity and inner stillness in a safe and non- competitive class environment.

Suitable for students of all ages and fitness levels including complete beginners and also improvers with some previous experience, those who are returning to yoga after a break or recovering from illness or injury (consult your GP first)